News & Information

Building our Future Together

TSI Scotland Network Conference, 7 and 8 May 2024, Edinburgh

Staff from Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) across Scotland – from the islands to the Borders and every bit in between – will come together on 7 and 8 May for our first face to face conference for a number of years. 

The conference has been planned based on feedback from staff themselves and TSIs are coming together at one of the most challenging times that many of us can ever remember for the voluntary and community sector, for volunteering and for social enterprise.  

We’ve had over 14 years of austerity; the pandemic has changed many lives and communities irrevocably.  And now we face significant cost-of living-challenges which profoundly affect community groups and charities on the front line.  

In coming together for this conference, TSIs will take stock of where we are now, but also begin to think about how the TSI Network and TSIs respond to developing trends, policy changes and the social and economic challenges facing Scotland.   And, as we look ahead to future elections, how do we ensure that the community and voluntary sector is being heard?

We look forward to welcoming some amazing and influential keynote speakers and showcasing some of the talented and experienced staff from across the Network.  

TSI Conference Steering Group
