News & Information

Third Sector, TSIs and Scottish Budget 2024/25 – TSI Network Pre Budget Brief

“We ask Government to use the upcoming budget to ensure the third sector can continue to play a part in creating the kind of country we all want to see – fair, compassionate, welcoming, equal and focused on the wellbeing of every citizen.”

The TSI Scotland Network has today published a pre-Budget briefing outlining the critical role of the third sector and TSIs as we all try to respond to the unprecedented economic, health and wellbeing challenges we face as a nation. 

The social and community infrastructure provided by the third sector and TSIs has been called on repeatedly over the last decade – more recently, in coordinating local support for the COVID panic, in welcoming Ukrainian refugees and responding to winter resilience challenges.   As we do more, the need for fair and sustainable funding has never been more urgent, to ensure that our sector continues to assist and work with communities and families across Scotland.

TSIs and the wider third sector want to do what they can to aid recovery across the economy and in key public services.  We can only do that fully where funding is secure, longer term and enables us to fully implement Fair Work principles.  

The briefing covers:

  • The long-term challenges facing the third sector;
  • The expanding role, and the contribution of TSIs and the third sector to the Scottish Government priorities linked to “Equality, Opportunity and Community”;
  • The need to better recognise and respect the value of the third sector and people’s volunteering activities
  • The importance of involving the third sector in national planning and policies;
  •  “Calls for Action” for the 24/25 Scottish Budget 24/25.

For more information contact

Policy & Research

UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) – TSI Experiences of Engagement (Nov 23)

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is one strand of a suite of funding which succeeded the old EU structural funds. This money has three priorities: communities and place, support for local businesses, and people and skills. Alongside a full research report, the Network has produced a summary document and two case studies from Clackmannanshire and Midlothian. There is also an information release summarising key messages and background to the research.  Contact for any further detail.

Lead local authorities were tasked with working with a diverse range of local and regional stakeholders to achieve Fund outcomes in their areas.  This included the voluntary sector and Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs).

In September 2023, the TSI Scotland Network undertook research with Chief Officers of TSIs to establish how involved the local third sector had been in the development of UKSPF, and to identify learning for both the third sector and the UK Government.   Alongside a full research report, the Network has produced a summary document and two case studies from Clackmannanshire and Midlothian.