With the Scottish Election just over a week away, the TSI Network has reached out to political party leaders looking for a response on vital themes for the third sector in Scotland. Please see below what we asked for. We will share all the responses we receive here and on our Twitter channel.
Dear Leader
We wish you all the very best in your campaign in the upcoming Scottish Parliament election.
The past year has created quite a storm, with the COVID 19 pandemic causing exceptional damage to people’s livelihoods and wellbeing. During this time, as I am sure you will agree, community groups, charities and social enterprises across Scotland have been instrumental in helping those most in need.
It is crucial that the third sector remains at the heart of the journey to recovery. The TSI Manifesto outlines the sector’s role in creating a fairer, wellbeing society which also tackles the climate emergency.
There are vital themes that we would like to hear your response to and more importantly share with the members of the TSI Network and the wider sector. We would be delighted to receive your response by video or in writing so that we can share across our digital communications channels.
We would like to bring your attention to key themes below:
An enhanced role for the third sector – we ask for grassroots organisations become critical partners at the top table, ensuring decisions made reflect on-the-ground realities.
Implementation of place-based approaches – the TSI Scotland Network supports the national ambition to adopt the Place Principle and devolving more power to local levels.
Volunteering and the empowerment of people – as the crisis unfolded, a new wave of neighbourhood volunteers stepped up to the numerous and complex challenges of Covid-19. We call for recognition that the TSI Scotland Network can make a unique contribution to empower inclusive volunteering and maximise the social and community action.
A fairer wellbeing society – we call foremployment schemes that are linked to community wealth-building and creating fair, inclusive and sustainable economies, to maximise community benefit, reduce poverty and inequalities and tackle the climate emergency.
We look forward to hearing from you.
See our full Manifesto