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The Prime Minister’s Speech – TSI Scotland Network response

The Prime Minister’s Speech – TSI Scotland Network response

The Prime Minister has today highlighted what is likely to be a painful budget in October, yet the people and communities we work with – that the third sector works with, daily – have had to deal with the devastating impact of austerity for well over a decade.  It is very likely that these are the people who will be hit hard, again. 

Recent decisions made by the UK Government will also have significant implications down the line for the community and voluntary organisations which the Prime Minister said in January this year were ‘..the glue that bridges the gaps and binds government, business, and communities together.’  The Prime Minister also said that the voluntary sector and civil society should not have to clear up the mess that Governments create.  Yet, his speech today suggests that more and more pressure will likely fall on the sector at a time when it’s already on its knees.

We are deeply worried about what the upcoming Budget will mean for older people, disabled people, families facing real poverty – for already ingrained inequalities.  So we call on the Prime Minister and the Cabinet to come and meet us in Scotland to hear what the decisions likely to be made will mean – the additional costs likely to arise, the further harm likely to be caused.  Come and meet the voluntary sector in Scotland and let us help you find a better path to recovery and the fairer, kinder country we all want to see.”

Further background

For more information on our concerns for the UK Budget and the recent Scottish Government spending freeze, what it means for frontline voluntary and community groups,  read our submission on funding to the Scottish Parliament Social Justice Committee.

Find out more about TSIs and the voluntary sector in Scotland here.

Contact Lynn Williams for further information.

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